Tuesday, April 19, 2005

No golden arches...anywhere!!

We went on a motorbike tour of hui yesterday, oh - my - god! Remember what i said about the motorbikes and the buses? There are no apparent road rules that i can discern over here, it seems to be a simple hierarchy: trucks and buses rule the road honking their horns to everyone else to make them move or die, then come motorbikes who weave in and out of the road like on them computer games where you have to knock people over and stuff, then come the cyclists, who are the bottom of the ladder, if they don't move over when they hear a honking that's it for them. Crossing the road is an experience itself in vietnam, we were told to just look confident and walk really fast not stopping for no one. Ok, first 2 days we just went miles out of our way to avoid playing froggy on these highways of death, then we get more confident and cross, looking both ways and jumping back if there's owt going too fast to stop. Now I practically walk across with me eyes closed, which does work, they do stop... in the end.
But these motorcyclists today were mentalists! There were about 12 of us, mostly english, sat on the back of a motorbike each, on a tour of hui's pagoda's and citadels, no helmets or nuffink! (they don't need them over here cos they're dead 'ard). One bridge we went over was straight from the italian job, JUST big enough for a motor bike, i felt sorry for the poor cow infront of me, my driver was a maniac and was practically giving this poor girl on a cycle bike wheel burns to get her to hurry up. Although my driver was particularly mental, he insisted on racing to the front of the line at every opportunity like it was some kinda race, and driving through a market, well, i was embarressed: he was just growling at people (mostly old ladies carrying extremely heavy looking baskets on their heads 'oy!' to move them, there's me sat on the back trying to look apologetically at the people he's insulting and nearly running over.)

Just got to hanoi, capital of vietnam (i think) The bus journey was just 12 hours of awful hell, bus was packed, i ended up getting so frustrated i laid in the aisle on the manky floor just to stretch my legs out for an hour! We haven't done much today, tried the local cuisine tho clare, tres nice indeed, cau lau i think it was called? Although I must admit this isn't for want of looking desperately out the bus window through the city for the golden arches. I haven't seen ronald ONCE since i've been in cambodia or vietnam... it'll be nice to get back to bangkok and civilization...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh my lord - life without shit in a bun - sorry McDonalds!!! However have you coped!! Just a quick hello now - coz I'm at about to set off for bastard college to learn about bastard business law when all i really really want is a bastard pint of stella!!

5:12 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi katei,

We are due to leave bangkok on the 23rd but haven't booked any internal flights to the south yet (gonna do it when we get there as it is the same price and it gives us a little freedom). We may stay for an extra day, so there's no rush really.

8:28 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Katie,

one of my mates went to Vietnam a while back and he stayed with a little family up in the mountains - they taught him martial arts and how to ride elephants. I bet you would be dead good at that so if you get the chance give it a go!

12:51 pm  
Blogger Katy Bangkok said...

Look clare i like shit in a bun, orite?? i'm not as adventurous as you with what i put in my mouth. And i find it very distrurbing that anybody in today's society has to live without the convenience and tastiness of a big mac... it's just not right is it??

So you think I'd be good at riding elephants?... thank-you tony my friend, i think!! no seriously, we saw elephant treks in thailand last time we came, and it's really awfull how they're treated, they're all skinny, and the local men hit them with sticks with hooks on the end... however, if i happen upon a wild unfettered, elephant during my trek into the woods before i leave vietnam i shall jump on it's back and give it a go!! we saw that tour where you stay with the village people (not the gay ones), and would have LOVED to have done it but didn't have time, so next time i'm back here, definitely gonna learn some jackie chan moves from the locals!

James, I have no idea what the date is today, but we're going to laos tonight and will probably be there at least a couple of days, but if i miss you in bangkok i'm thinking of going for a holiday down south until i start my job (it's bloody knackering this travelling lark i can tell ya!) and it would be cool to meet up. Have you heard of the full moon parties??? they rock! and you're flying south are you? you know the bus journey's only 14 hours don't you?... and the buses over here are... lovely!! no seriously, i've heard the overnight trains are dead cheap and comfortable, just a thought...

11:28 am  

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