Sunday, March 13, 2005

Squirrel Death Hold

Hey guys, I can't believe how many of you have posted!! thank-you so much, I couldn't have done this without you... I 'd also like to thank my mother and father who made all this possible ... and I'd like to thank God, without whom computers would not be in existence and no one could post on my site, and also Mr Casey in year 5 who introduced me to the internet (he told Jimmy Henderson to type anything, anything at all into this new 'network super highway internet' and it would come up with a page on it "the possibilitie are boundless Jimmy my lad" he said "Anything you need to know, this is your source just type it in". So Jimmy typed in 'carrot').

So, I've survived the second week without having a nervous breakdown, though I did almost cry twice which is very unlike me! I'm officially half way there which feels good although I have to do a 55 minute lesson next Thursday. And now they've stopped giving us help!! it's awfull, all i know is i'm teaching the present simple on Tuesday and that's it, I have to write the plan myself!! aaaarrrggghhh!! am dreading it completely. I've now moved from intermediate (who were bloody excellent and had better grammar and vocabulary knowledge than me... they knew what a 'nuclear family' was when one of the trainees was trying to elicit it! I don't even know what a bloody nuclear family is!!) to the elementary class... oh - my - god. I can't belieeeve the difference!! Mary asked one of the weaker students to simply write either 'yes' or 'no' next to words which had an article (a / an/ the). She explained to the class, then him individually but he still looked at her vacantly. She explained again and said 'does this one have an article?' and he said no, so she said 'so what do you write down?' and he said 'no' so she guided his hand to the page, and said 'write that down then' he finally click on and looked like he understood and wrote "ON" next to the word!! I was in hysterics!! bless 'im!! please understand I'm not taking the piss, his english is a million times better than my thai and i know i'd look retarded in an elementary thai lesson, but good lord it provides great amusement!!

Well, best go plan me lesson. Ta Dib for sending me the pictures of the snow in england, it warmed me cockles it did, thinking of y'all freezing yer arses off! hee hee! Jod, I'm pleased for ya and tell pete congratulations on the job, keep me posted! Jules, I am mostly missing watching corrie on Sunday's.. or any day for that matter!! what's happening with Den's death? is anyone in prison yet? I am also seriously missing having my comfy duvet, you only sleep in a sheet here cos it's so hot (sorry, but come on i gotta rub it in a little bit!). Rich, I think someone's been having you on mate... there's no WAY any mortal magpie could take a squirrel on. Everyone knows squirrels have claws and big, sharp pointy teeth and big strong arms that they could wrap around a mere magpie's neck to strangle it in a notoriously deadly "squirrel death hold". I believe that the squirrels probably circulated this story to get everyone's guard down in an attempt to lull everyone into a false sense of security ready for the big takeover... I'm just glad I'm not in sheffield... or england at this point in history mate. Your naivety knows no bounds! talking of which I'm afraid the stories about hannah being called 'one of much grammar' are completely unfounded and I made that up! She's a thickie like me compared to everyone else on the course!

Anywhoo, take care of yourselves... and eachother.


Blogger Katy Bangkok said...

I'm impressed by, and not a little suspicious of, your knowledge of squirrels and their combat techniques Tony my friend. You know much of the way of the squirrel.

(p.s. do i use your everton e-mail address?)

2:59 am  
Blogger Katy Bangkok said...

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3:00 am  
Blogger Katy Bangkok said...


Nice one sista!!

See you in a bit for one massif spending spree in silom market: chav von dutch caps and fake armani watches here we come...

3:04 am  

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