Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Bat Cave

Well, i did it, i struck out on my own. I've left hannah in vien viang (or summat like that) cos she wanted to get back to bangkok and get a job... you can see the reason i let her go and headed north AWAY from bangkok? job? what's that then? scrrrrrew you guys, i'm going to northern laos.
Anyway, after a luxurious 6 hour journey with 2 whole seats to myself, and a man with a GUN infront of me!! no shit!! a BIG gun! apparently there's been ambushes by gangs on tour buses so they all have armed men on them! ... well the bloke on our bus must have been at least... 12!! he was younger than me!
Anyway, i have arrived and realised how much i relied on hannah: I have none of the rudimentary travellers provisions. I have no watch, no alarm clock (incase the bus leaves early), no lonely planet, and no map of where i am (loam pobang or something - this is a GROSS distortion of the spelling of the place but am looking around the internet cafe and there's no proper spelling so it'll have to do!). So yeah, missing han already, and currently pondering WHAT THE HELL I'M DOING HERE!! But apparently there's the most beautiful waterfall in the world here so, it had better be fricking amazing's all i can say!

Vien Viang, where we've just come from, was well good and is the most beautiful place on earth: there are panoramic mountains surrounding you 180 degrees (or should that be 360? anyway, you know when they go all the way round). Anyway, there's minimal beckham interference and just a LOT of smiley happy people, and the coolest river in the world. We went kayaking the day before yesterday, and the trip included a cave trip. This was not the main focus of the day so i thought it'd be a basic, here's a cave, go inside and take a photo and lets move on -type-jobey. Oh no. It was a cave filled with water which you had to swim into and climb up the beach. They then hand out candles to light your way (bearing in mind this is a water cave i was a bit mystified!) So this shallow beach in the cave leads to nowhere apart from a very low ceilinged cavern, like, 2 foot avove the ground, and i presumed that was it. Until the guide lies on the floor and starts roly polying along and disappears into the cavern shouting 'come on!'. Looks of excitement and terror pass over everyone's faces (in particular those of a larger stature). But we roly poly in and what follows is 40 minutes of rolling under stalagmites, climbing over stalagtites, freezing nervously as bats fly past at great speeds, and warily watching spiders the size of your hand sit quietly above as you walk through the cave lit by the candles.... nice!!
We then kayaked down the river and jumped off of lots of big stuff, and swung from ropes and that, and there was one swing where they pull you back over rocks and let you go and you jump off as you get over water... an american guy tries it and i've never seen, or heard, such a painful looking belly flop in my entire life!! he was red raw all down his ribs and on his cheek when he got out!
When we got to the end of the kayak bit we passed a part of the river that flows really fast, like i got in and swam as hard as i could upstream and still moved backwards... and there's LOADS of little kids in the water, washing their hair, washing the vegetables, and boarding passing kayaks paddled by westerners nearly sinking our kayak! bless 'em, they're so sweet...!
Anywhoo, my time is up and i have to go find food and find something to do for the evening... seriously, i need a lonely planet!! don't know anyone or where i am!! aaarrrggghhh! but we do get a free banana at the guesthouse i'm staying at.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh my lord!! Where the bleedin hell are you woman? I can never remember you being all that safe on your own in the UK never mind about bleedin vietnam!! Go find Hannah!! It's about time you started doing the stuff that you really went there for - TEACHING!

It's gorgeous here at the moment tho we're all couped up in our little offices. We've got those annoying little flies in ours at the moment which is pretty fucking disgusting and we've just found out, even tho the office has been here for 2 years, that the 'drinking' water in the kitchen is not safe for consumption as it comes from an open air tank that may be infested with dead rats etc!! And you're moaning about a few ants in some buns!! Ha ha! only joking.

Anyway that river thing sounds pretty cool - if not a little scary with all those spiders and evil vampire bats! I wish I had some exciting news to tell you but nothing has happend!! My life is flshing before my eyes and I can't even remeber half of it.

Hope you enjoy your free banana and at least find a new friend - if not Hannah - very soon.


12:45 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eh up Katy!
hope you're surviving without Han. i must say, it doesn't sound like your living in the lap of luxury on some beach somewhere like i thought it would, it still sounds good fun though. when are you going to get a job then?(if i were you i'd put it off for as long as possible!). i'm getting qiute worried now because i still don't kmow what the hell i want to do next year! mum asked rich to suggest some jobs, or a career route that i could do.. he suggested (after i had foiled his plan to recruit everyone he knows into the police!) that i should join the navy, or the army. unsurprisingly , i am still unsure. anyway i have applied for the art foundation course and had an interview, but i don't know if i can be arsed with another year at Weymouth college, i'll see how it goes.
i don't know what is going on with mum'n'dad, they are gradually becoming slightly less like complete tight arses, first they go on a trip round the world, now dad had just got a new car(although he did buy with the intention of saving money on fuel), and now he saying he will get broadband, after he has systematically compared the prices of every company. luckily, being the youngest i am still at home to reap the benefits of this change!teehee!
anyway i'd better get some work done , i'm sure you will be fine without han, if you have any trouble communicating with the locals, just shout a bit louder than you have been doing and point vigorously.
love sophie

2:45 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey katy, sorry this is my first posting but rest assured i have been following yr (rather scary and sometimes gross)travels with much interest - have also been telling anyone that will listen about your exploits and getting things you've done into conversations even when totally irrelevant, per esempio: unsuspecting person:"yeah the tram was late this morning" me:"yeah, yeah that reminds me of my friend katy and the train with no toilets and the mines and...etc etc"
Anyway i will try and post more even though your blogger has been deemed inappropriate by my gym-they're like big brother controlling my civil liberties!
Am well jealous by the way and hopefully will be travelling myself soonish, take care and i hope the free banana was all that you wanted it to be xxx

11:16 pm  
Blogger Katy Bangkok said...

So you've been drinking contaminated water for 2 years aye tollick? hmmmmm, explains a lot...!
As you can see from the next post i found no friends and went to the waterfalls a sad LA-HOOO-SA-HERRRR billy no mates! and i couldn't even eat the free banana cos i'm so ill it wouldn't have been worth the effort to process it! (hee hee, i'm sorry, i try not to be gross but it just comes out!)

Eeeee up brophie!! screw college and come bum in asia with me!! education's for wusses who can't handle real life man!! go get that job at topps hairdressers and save your money and in your spare time start practicing ping pong skills and you'll be set for life out here! no seriously, do the art course man, and when you're at the tate modern displaying your masterpieces you can fund my 'travel writing' and i'll never have to get a job! yey! sounds like we have a plan!
And why you all keep asking me when i get a job? goooooooood! you're soooo unfair!!

Hey Vonnie! how hard core is that?? so my site's "inappropriate" is it?aye?? aye?? ooooooh, i'm so bad!! hee hee!
You're going travelling? come to asia! i heard they pay loads in korea and you can live like a queen for nothing! (... not a gay one, like the real one with crowns and butlers and diamonds!).

2:29 am  

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