Monday, May 16, 2005

Ok, one more...

Well, I've had a few beers, as yuo can probaly tell from the spelling. I was s'posed to meet the new zealanders i met t'other nite for a few, but they stood me up! can you believe it?? blimmin kiwi's! so anyway i ended up having a few beers with a french guy i met, we had an interesting coversatuion (sorry, that';s the beer typing). Our subjects touched on the monarchy, he didn't even know that they were a bit of a joke in england, and didn';t understand why we don't have a king... he was a bit mysoginistic (check that out for a long word when i've had a few!!) so i explained that victoria had no sons, that's why we have elizabeth, is this correct?? if not i'm afraid there's a french bloke walking ruond now with very wrong idea's about the monarchy. Then we talked about drugs, apparently he had the best ketamin ever on a journey from alaska to somewhere else in america, and really got in touch with nature... and stuff! but then he said the best drug ever was heroin, and that trainspotting was a cinematic travesty that didn't so the drug justice and cast it in a bad light....hmmmmmm, here my breadth of experience kinda runs out and i have nothin to contribute to the conversation, so i'm like, "yeah, that heroine, 's a bugger aye?... so anyway, do you like this thai beer? 's great innit? s'like, really dead shtrong and everyfing!! um, i feel a bit sick now... do you know where i live?"


So i've sobered up now, that was 2 nights ago and i bumped into one of the kiwi's and he was like 'you stood us up' and i was like, 'no, you guys stood me up'. Turns out i was sat drinking beer outside the wrong 7/11 for 3 hours. Did you know that there are three 7/11's to every one person over here? or something like that. So anyway we sorted that out and went and got drunk again and now i'm hungover... well the liver IS evil and must be punished.

Think i'll do something cultural tomorrow.


Well it's a day after that and i still haven't done owt cultural, am quite hungover tho after a few beers last nite.... hmmmmmmm, i see a pattern forming here...


ps: "Hi Auntie Sheila!" (That is if you're still reading this after all the swearing???) Sorry, i've only just seen your post from aaaaages ago! I didn't realise you'd posted! So yeah, there was no tsunami after the earthquake thank god, and as you have probably guessed, we were fine, didn't feel the rumblings or anything.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

have you seen some of the blogs on here?!! Oh my Lord - there are some freaks about. Yes blogs are sad - if you spend every waking moment designing them and posting on them for the benefit of complete strangers who don't even know you're real name. I had a quick look through some and most of them seem to be done by people who know their lives are sad and want to 'entertain' others by telling them how sad they are!!

On the otherhand going travelling around Asia and setting up a blog so that you can keep your friends and family up to date is not sad. Well not too much anyway!!

Doesn't some bird write a column for the weekend section of the Guardian on Saturday? Isn't this basically another blog? The only difference is they get paid for it!! Sod em - miserable bastards!

1:35 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with Tollick above.

There is a copious amount of newswriters who week in, week out, in the high profile papers, talk absolute shite about what their little Billy did on the weekend, how much cheaper cans of soup are in Morrisons compared to Asda, what their husbands handicap is on the golf course, and my many shoes a woman really needs...

Blogs are for people who can't be arsed creating a website in HTML, which is understandable. When you are travelling and having fun and getting into adventures, you want to share those experiences with your friends and family, and your friends and family want to hear them.

When you are 43, a bag-packer for Somerfield, still living at home with your parents and rate model air-planes as one of your hobbies..then a blog probably isn't the best thing you can do to whittle the existence away.

Keep up the blogging Katy!

2:08 pm  
Blogger Katy Bangkok said...

ok, you've re-affirmed my faith in the blog (and also unwittingly massaged the ego a little, he he) i shall update with renewed vigour and pay no heed to the guardian writers... like, what the smeg do they know anyway?.... stoopid poncey clever people, callin' me a self-obsessed egomanic...

12:12 pm  

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