Monday, May 02, 2005


Well, I did it, i figured how to get photo's on the net...

That bath was in the mankiest scummiest club i've ever been in in me life, it was rank! but very cheap so we stayed there til the sun rose!... who needs cleanliness when you're having an all-nations drinking competition?

a) what the hell's a bath doing in a nightclub?
b) who uses it?
c) why are there pink stains?

And here are me and the fellow CELTA survivors post-course and quite hungover i think, our smiles hide the horror... the horror! of the course.

Well, me and han are just bumming around in bangkok at the moment. She's got a job in kuala lumpar at a very good school, and i've just been offered an interview here in bangkok with the same company, so fingers crosssed!! i really, really need some sort of incoming into my bank!

We're staying slap bang in the middle of koh san road at the moment - a mecca for backpackers and fuckin' FREAKS! (or are these one and the same??) there was one guy entertaining us for dinner last night, we were eating outside and he was dancing on the street... i say dancing, more like... moving, very slowly, to no music (well, i am SURE there was music in his own little head), and smiling a lot and completely oblivious to the world around him, i am thinking that maybe acid may have come into the equation somewhere, whatever, it was very interesting to watch!

He was nothing to what i saw on arrival here, i got here at 6am, and i've never seen so many lady-boys! (not that they're a common occurence in westcliffe on portland). There was one drunken english lad who obviously had the worst case of beer goggles i've ever seen in my life, his arm was proudly round the tiny waist of what was clearly a she-man (although she did have massive breast implants... this english lad looked chuffed as nuts to be with 'her', i would have paid to see his face when he found out! i'm sure he wouldn't have been chuffed at the nuts he found later, (boom boom). I also had to step over lots of people lying out for the count on the pavement, and when i had my breakfast at 7am, tea and toast, in the same cafe sat next to me was a very drunk german bloke and an english bloke sharing their last beers of the 'night' and talking very loud complete and utter bollox. Made my breakfast interesting, and also made me think 'oh my god, that's what i must look like at 6 in the morning after a 'big one', scarey.

Me and han are off to 'The Great British Pub' on silom road to meet david from lancashire for pie 'n' mash tonight... nothing like immersing yourself in the asian culture whilst you're over here is there??


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hope you are ok and get that job in bangkok. does it still smell like piss in bangkok, or have you got used to it?, it's no t much different here as jodie is becoming more incontinent and old lady like every day!bless her.
it would be so cool if we came over for a holiday, but it is quite a long way to go i suppose.
nothing is happening here apart from the fact that i have just dyed mum's hair, eyelashes and eyebrows. i don't think becoming a beautician would be a very good idea for a career route. i wish i could take a photo and post it on here(if she would let me!)it must me mum's hair, the blonde dye has gone ginger/peach on top, but the white bits around the front are still white! that is not the worst of it though, we decided to do the eyebrows aswell, i don't know what went wrong but they are big and a black/dark purple colour! she looks just like pat butcher, but with purple eyebrows!
she likened herself to bert and ernie from sesame street! we were going to shave them off but the skin underneath has been dyed. somehow she saw the funny side (i would have cried and not left the house for 6 weeks), we nearly wet ourselves laughing!honestly i don't know how she is going to go out in public, you have to do a double take.
anyway hope you get the job teaching, but u have to be back for august, me and katy day have got tickets for V!
keep posting, it's like reading a soap opera/adventure/sitcom type book!, but it's all actually happening!
love sophx

3:53 pm  
Blogger Katy Bangkok said...

Sophie! you just can't talk about your boss that way!! jod, you didn't tell me things were so bad... can i recommend the adult nappies from boots? they're very absorbant and you can hardly see them at all if you wear baggy trousers...

That was funny as feck sophers! ginger and peach on top and white round the front??? sounds like you've umpa lumpa'd mum! you HAVE to get a photo of ernie on here! please!
HAven't got time to post more as am hungover and need to eat but will do soon, am also obviously very very busy looking for work...

5:34 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey how does one go about suing ones own flesh and blood ?!! it's all true wot soph said and.... not only that, i had to go to work that night!!! soph said "ring in sick" so i said "what with ?" "sorry i can't come in i've had an accident with mi chuffin purple eyebrows !!" the hair i can live with !! i keep forgetting about it and when people stare i think "cor i must be getting gorgeouser" and then i see a mirror !!! and as well as making ME jump outa mi skin, i realize why folks are staring ! SO wots the number of claims direct again ??

7:08 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pat, Can you pop in and see me at Debs please??? This ive gotta see!! He he Love Kezza x

8:36 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wot.....OLD as cheeky mare haha!!

10:17 am  
Blogger Katy Bangkok said...

Just to set things straight, sophers was referring to our dog jodie as "more incontinent and old lady like every day!bless her.". However, her boss and my mate, is also called jodie, can ya see what i did there? so i took her description of the dog and... see?? he he... well i thought it was funny...!

6:16 am  

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