Friday, May 06, 2005

Catastrophe Interview

So staying on khao san road is turning out to be quite scarey. There are a serious amount of freaks here. Han went to brush her teeth last night (shared bathroom down the corridor) and came back out of breath and white faced. Apparently she was in the middle of brushing when a disembodied american voice came from above quoting what sounded like a film, she thought maybe there were some lads in the mens talking, but the voice kept going on it's own, then started talking biblical and about blood, at this hannah remembers the scene from the beach and backs slowly out the bathroom, brush in hand, and legs it down the corridor to our room. So we're listening at the window and now i can hear the mad man, he's like "your father was a scum bag, your mother was a scum bag, and you're a scum bag" or something like that (there's no one with him, he's talking to himself i think) and his voice is getting louder and coming down the corridor! so we come away from the window and stop talking and taking the piss cos it's actually quite scarey knowing there's someone off their head outside your bedroom! however the voice receded, and it was fine. And then this morning i was woken to the dulcet tones of a drunken english bloke threatening to kill someone just below my window, i look out and he's being held back by his mates and shouting horrible stuff... nice way to start the day aye?

Apart from that life's pretty noneventful at the moment, and after all that travelling malarkey i thought i'd best get some more stress in my life as it was running pretty much too smoothly. To this end i've applied to International House, a very good teaching company. I had the interview which went...ok apparently (see below) and now i have to teach an hours lesson, with my interviewer watching me, on SUNDAY MORING at 8.30 in the A frickin M. That's my big one on saturday night out the window!
The interview itself was going well till he asked me how i would teach adverbs of frequency to elementary students... i sat there with a vacant and probably quite scared look on my face and all i could think was 'shit, shit, shit, shit, wot's he on about??? oh god what's an adverb? what does frequent mean again? oh bugger, what shall i say? um, oooh look, i can see lumpini park from this classroom, god it would be cooel to work here, heeeey, is that a squirrel over there? my god i think it is! i wonder if thai squirrels are as aggressive as english ones...' abd so on, we sat for maybe a minute like this and then he took pity:
'do you know what adverbs of frequency are?'
so he explained what they are (words like 'always' 'sometimes' and 'never')
'so how would you teach them?'
i was just sat there like a gormless idiot, my mind went completely BLANK, it was horrible, so i mumbled something about working in pairs and something else that was the biggest load of shyte ever, it was sooo embarressing. But it didn't seem to bother him and he told me the interview went well!! Now I don't know what kind of window-lickers he's interviewed in the past, but it certainly did NOT go well at all in my head! Thankfully what i think doesn't matter!
So now i have a meeting with another of the teachers in 2 hours and she's gonna explain what the kids are like, and i have to trial teach them tomorrow for an hour. God help me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

adverbs of frequency - what the fuck!! I'm sure that if we don't know what the hell they are and we speak english on a regular basis - and have a god damn degree in the subject, then the thais will also get through life without acknowledging these frigging things!! Well if he said that he thought the interview went well, it must have done coz normally they're all cagey and don't want to give praise!! Good luck anyway. Bet you could do with some cash now!

Hope it all goes well

11:56 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now Katy, your storys of nutters in and around your hotel, are not putting my mind at rest that you are entirly safe over there. I'm sure there must be a nice well paid job you can come back to do in good old England! Besides summer is on the way and the weather is wonderful. (cough-cough)

Any way, it was nice to hear your voice today on the ansaphone. YOu didn't need to tell me it was you, I haven't forgotten your voice, yet, ya know! Just a real big shame I wasn't in when you rang. Damnit!

Good luck with your hour trial lesson tomorrow. I'm sure you blag it. I mean impress them! ;o)

11:49 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol!! Katy, IH must pull out the adverb of frequency question with every interview - I got with Poland too. Fortunately I had taught that on C.E.L.T.AAAAA! The question that got me was "How would you teach the second conditional?"

Pleased you didn't pursue Doug's school. I found a site that blacklists atrocious schools in Thailand - that Bangkok Christian school was near the top of the list!

Good luck in KL.

10:56 pm  
Blogger Katy Bangkok said...

I agree with tollick, if i can do without them and i'm english and i know how to talk propa, then so can thai's! however, as you know i didn't get the job, so am now going to swallow michael parrotts guide to english grammar whole... after i've finished the da vinci project that is...have you READ that??? oh my god, and angels and demons??? look at an american dollar bill... the pyramis, the eye, it's all TRUE, the're all stone masons and devil worshippers!! i knew Bush was from the dark side, you can see it in his shifty eyes, they're far, far too close together, he ain't normal, I bet they glow in the dark, and what kind of president enjoys, as a passtime, "digging in the ground for bugs".... what the??? he sould be devising great political theses on new economics and stuff, or reading shakespeare, not chasing aramdilla's round his ranch! So anyway, read those books, it's not a conspiracy, god, i get scared just thinking about it...

Anywhoo, don't worry about the khao san nutters, i can handle them, most of them are so off their faces you could just push them with a finger and they'd fall over, failing that of course my favourite method when faced with terror is the most reliable one: runaway! runaway! and i'm a very fast runner.

Mary! CELTAAAAAA? aye? showing off our 'A' are we? still don't know how you managed that when us mere mortals only just scraped a pass! and what the hell's a second conditional?? i'm thinking maybe my calling as a teacher is gonna be a bit harder than i thought... anywhoo, thank the lord i didn't attend the interview at bangkok christian college, it was loads of money aswell so i well would have gone for it!! and the ratio of male to female teachers was 13/2. Not that that's anything to consider at all, it's just, you know...!!

6:11 am  

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