Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Haggle Fiend

Well, I'm just hanging round at the moment, I start in kuala lumpar on the 1st june so am trying to think how best to fill the time. Obviously, if i want to keep the blogger as amusing as before i should head up to chiang mai on my own with only a few kip and a pair of flip flops and see what unfolds, but after my last forray into solo travelling i am, understandably, i think you'll agree, reluctant.

So i went out on khao san last nite and had a 'few' singhs, it's lethal stuff that beer, and gives the main monster hangover - see? i could be a travel writer, i even do culinary reviews of foreign beverages. Talking of things culinary i had chicken on a stick THREE times last night after the beer, qualifying me for the 'worst vegetarian in the world' title again. I wasn't even co-erced, i was the instigator of the flesh eating feast! We walked past a street vendor lady selling parts of chicken on a stick on our way to find somewhere that sold beer after 1am, and i was like 'mmmmm, chicken', so we found somewhere that sold beer and had mats on the floor to sit on outside, and i was like
'um, anyone hungry at all? i could just eat something, oh look, a chicken stand'... so three trips to the chicken lady later, between the three of us, i think we ate a whole chicken in total, and it was all my doing...i feel so bad. But on the upside i think i have perfected the art of haggling now... i haggle for EVERYTHING, and i mean everything. I have figured that there are 5 simple steps to this art form:

1) offer them half of what they're asking, they'll look mortified and as insulted as if you'd said their grandma smells of elderberries, but they do bring the price down a fraction
2) you look incredulous and pretend to walk off
3) they chase you and come down a bit more
4) you go up a bit, depends how much you want what you're haggling for (von dutch caps, diesel watches, bits of chicken on a stick, ant buns, tuk tuks, crap postcards and birkenstock flip flops being the main consumer goods over here).
5) transaction complete, you should have paid a LOT less than the asking price.

It's completely addictive and all-consuming this process tho, you get caught up in it like a trance, and i find myself getting wound up by this poor thai peasant, and arguing over 10 frickin bahts (17p?) for a taxi ride that would cost me 17 quid in england! It usually helps if they mention that they have a family to feed, this jolts me out of the hypnotic trance that is haggling, and i realise that i'm a millionaire compared to them and that this is their livelihood, but until they do this i am the tight western haggling fiend who shall not surrender the negotiations and they are the evil money grabbing foreigner paddling their fake tacky wares at extortionate prices, bless 'em.

I also think i left the 2 new zealanders i was out with last night, with the distinct impression that pommies aren't too bright. They asked me if my natural hair colour was brown, twice. First we were talking about the waterfalls in luoam pabang, and i was trying to figure out if i'd got the top cos there were loads of waterfalls and you could climb really high, and the guy's like 'well did you see the river'? and i was like 'no! i didn't even know there was a river, i obviously didn't get to the top' and he's like 'you didn't know there was a river?... at the top of the water fall?'...'oooooh yeah! i s'pose there would be wouldn't there?'. Then we were talking about vegetarianism, and i thought i read somewhere that cows were reliant upon human beings to milk them regularly otherwise their udders would fill up with milk and explode and they'd die, apparently this is not the case, they'd just dry up and stop producing milk. It's amazing what you can learn in a day innit?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since when were you veggie? When we were students you lived on KFC. Mmmmmm KFC - do they have them in Thailand?

Proud of the haggling skills you've developed. You should get a load of cheap fake shite and put it on ebay when you get back - you'd make a fortune!

And for the sake of an interesting blog please do not dissapear off on your own again to some place you can't spell or pronounce. Believe me the blog is amusing enough and I'm sure we are all happier to know that you have returned to 'civilization'!!



1:57 pm  
Blogger Katy Bangkok said...

Aaaaarrrr, cheers clare, i'm glad you don't want me to sacrifice my personal safety for everyone's amusement. I actually became veggie last september, but it's all out the windo now innit? mmmmmmm, KFC, yes they do have it over here, i remember seeing one down south last time i was here, and you'll never guess what's in the alleyway next to it, running round and looking all cute? only frickin' chicks and chickens!! Like, i know it's meat but i don't want to SEE the product before it's been fully 'processed' running round full of beans and free as a bird completely oblivious to the fact it will soon be deep fried and in someone's stomach!

Love the idea about e-bay, then i could put off work even longer! yey!

3:48 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I once went on a site that gave a list of companies you should boycott for ethical reasons and they claimed you should boycott KFC becuase they subject chickens to cruelty!! What the fuck?????

4:45 pm  
Blogger Katy Bangkok said...

I know! I'm sorry but i can't see what's 'cruel' about giving a chicken the chance to become a filling, tasty, and convenient snack food for the general public ... the chickens should be grateful for being allowed to contribute, in no small way, to a multi-national conglomerate company that serves the world yummy food, in my opinion.

5:14 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting fact about KFC:

It used to be called Kentucky Fried Chicken as everyone knows, but they had to change it to KFC because the trade descriptions people kicked off and said they couldn't call the 'C' chicken as the "chicken" was so genetically modified, it wasn't actually chicken any more...so they just started calling it KFC and not the full wording...

Of course all this could be bulls hit, including the story that the "chickens" at KFC are bred from birth with a tube down their throat to pump crap into their bodies to fill them out quicker. They also apparently are modified to have no feathers so they save time not plucking the little chaps.
Plus, I even read a story (this one is a little far fetched), that the "chickens" are modified so they have a special type of neck which is perforated so when they are killing them they just have to apply a slight bit of torque force to the neck and it slips off in your fingers. All in all, making the cycle of birth to death of a KFC "chicken" as quick and as easy as possible - saving valuable man hours, and hence MONEY.

Could all the garbage that the conspiritors have dreamed up, but the only two times I have ever eaten KFC I got food poisoning, and my stomach is made from titanium.

Eat KFC at your peril...

11:16 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

tastes damn good tho!

12:33 pm  
Blogger Katy Bangkok said...

I have no doubt that all these facts are true macaroni, kfc are eeeevil, so it sould be KFGMC - kentucky fried genetically modified freaks? have you got any fact on macdonalds that wuold put me off? mind you, if suersize me couldn't do it...mmmmmm, big maaaaaaac...

6:59 am  

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