Photo's of My Mountains with snow atop!! .... (and a couple of the pope)
Well, nothing of note has happened in the Mountains, the snow has abated but Italy is still having its coldest year ever, and I'm still resenting this fact and still taking it completely personally and cursing the weather gods I strive so hard to run away from, who insist on following me with their stoopid cold weather. On the bright side I spose there is the skiing and snowboarding to look forward to.
Ok, I'm aware that this site's becoming a bit mountain top heavy, and gradually veering away from the travel-documentary genre and leaning instead towards the I'm-a-sad-fuck-who-posts-my-life-on-the-net-here's-what-the-doctor-prescribed-me-for-a-rash-I-found-on-my-arse-recently genre, and I know I'm obsessing over them as if they were my precious children, and I know no one cares, and it may be boring, but, well, it's my life and I love them... so here's some more photies of My Mountains! and, by the beard of Zeus, look! This time they're covered in snow! Is is possible to have a mountain fetish? Well, more of a mountain reverence really, yes, it's quite religious my mountain obsession....anywhoo...
....Look away now if you already know what a mountain looks like...

The Mountain which mocks me and belittles my worries on the way to work.

Grrrrr, Back Yard Mountain being all moody and sullen.

Back yard Mountain on a good day.

Spot the pope... can you see him?? He was waving from the window on the top floor near the right of the building, he'd hung a rug out of the window so we knew where he was.... I eventually got round the crowd and caught a glimpse of him, but this was the view I had for most of the speech. The back of a nun's head.

St Peters Square from the roof of the church.
I think you'll agree My Mountains are more impressive... si?

...Ok, ok, so I should have just bought a postcard.

Getting all David Bailey inside St Peter's Basillica.

A mummified woman from Roman times.... dunno why, it's a bit gross tho innit?
A man and his sons being attacked by a giant snake...

Ok, one for the road... "Boo!" See?? They just pop up from behind the houses!

Right, last one, I swear.
I think I'm in love with My Mountains.

i dont know... somehow the mountains seem alive with the sound of music la la la la. how do you solve a problem like a second conditional ?? D'OH a beer a dufflike beer, Ray the man who fills my beer,me the man who drinks that beer,far a long long way to loo,so i'll have another beer, lah la la la la la la,tee a drink la la la la , that will bring us back to D'OH D'OH D'OH D'OH.
Lovely pictures katy can see you becoming a nun yet !!
I dont know about you becoming a nun kate, however. Can I just say how proud I am of you. Your Blog is amazing and although I have neglected it for some time, I am fully up to date with your fantastic adventures. I dont know where you get your artistic flare from, but by god I want some of it ! Stay safe. Love ya
very wity ma! did yer write that yersen?
who is this 'anonymous'?? is that you bruv?? cheers if so!
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