Didn't quite make it home...
well, as some of you may know, we're not at home. we missed our flight.
i could have lied, i could have exaggerated, i could have said the smoke from the farmers field burning in indonesia had affected and grounded all thailands airplanes, i could have said hannah had the serious squits from one too many singhs and some dodgy ice in her vodka milkshake, i could have said there was a minor earthquake...but no.... we are retarded and missed our flight cos we read the ticket wrong... well come on!! seriously, who was paying attention at school when mrs. cowling was going on about the 24 hour clock? what's the difference between 00:45 and 12:45? only 12 hours! but them 12 hours are vital when planes are leaving i s'pose. so we got to the airport and begged and pleaded and cried and offered to pay for any, ANY ticket to london ( british airways were like, 'ok, we have one, it's only 400 quid' and we were like, 'um, no, we're not that desperate or rich"). so, dejected and depressed after the buzz of going home, we got a taxi back to koh sarn road. well tried to, the taxi driver half way there went
"no can go koh sarn"
"you what mate?"
"gone, since 5.30"
"what you on about? we just came from there?"
"no can go. i take you hotel."
"um NO mate! take us to koh sarn"
then he starts jabbering in his walkie talkie and then pulls over and shoves it in han's face
"um, hello?"
a lady's voice answers
"where you go?"
"koh sarn"
"oh no, it shut, police there, can't go"
"what you on about? take us to koh sarn or drop us near there"
so after loads of arguing he dropped us like 5 mins from koh sarn, which doesn't sound long, but when you're carrying the amount of bags we are, like that bag lady covered in pots and pans and stuff from the end of the labyrinth, it just ain't funny when a taxi driver drops you unnecessarly far from your hostel. turns out there was a big police presence there, but i still don't know what it was aboot.

so now am sat in aiport after arriving 5 hours early (just incase, like!), but there's a pub accross from here called 'bill bentley pub' and it looks well british, so that'll kill a few hours...
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