Monday, November 21, 2005

Freezing From The Inside-Out.

Well, it's happened, I knew it would, cos it's gradually been getting colder and colder. The clouds on My Mountains have released their load and My Mountains are now capped with snow, its soooooooooo purdy, but sooooo cold.


Oh god, its only 2 days later, and now the ice is descending from My Mountains like in "The Day After Tomorrow". The temperature has dropped 10 DEGREES in 2 DAYS and its snowing as I type this with my purply-tinged fingers. 10 degrees!! That's LOADS. I can't even see My Mountins now cos the snow's so thick, there are no more bugs or flies around cos they're all DEAD cos it's so cold they've all frozen from the inside-out, and last week a helicopter crashed into My Mountain after it's oil tank froze from the inside-out, and when they found the pilot he was frozen from the inside-out too! ..... (ok, maybe i'm confusing reality and films, but it is very, very cold over here and I'm sure that could happen in real life). Apparently this drop in temperature has never happened before, bloody typical innit, talk about taking the weather with you, things definitely ain't cooking in my kitchen, cos its too feckin cold to light the stove. I can see my breath in the house in every room, and there'll be no more taking showers with the window open.... cos the EXTREME cold would creep in through the window and with no source of heat (cos the shower water would be frozen cos the boiler would have been frozen from the inside-out) I'd FREEZE from the inside-out myself and most certainly DIE and I'd be stood there naked and frozen forEVER...

Ok, am gonna stop now. So, anyway, this weekend, I was one of the "pilgrims" as he calls us, in St Peters Square when the Pope came and made a speech at his bedroom window, and I have to say, it was quite moving, I had a lump in my throat when everyone started chanting together (whilst the person I was with was actually blubbing like a baby, but as she pointed out he IS probably the most famous person in the world ever, in terms of people in the world having heard of him, even in tribal villages in Africa, and it is quite a monumental occasion, seeing him in real life). So yes, caught him making his speech from the top window, didn't recognise much of the speech, my Italian's very, very far from that good yet, but I did go 'yey' when he welcomed people from England.

My feet/back/legs/neck are still hurting from all the walking/eating-whilst-standing/climbing-320 steps-up-to-St-Peters-Basillica-roof/staring-up-at-a-certain-very-famous-ceiling/queueing-up-for-aaaaaaaaaaages-to-get-in-to-see-said-famous-ceiling, that we did. That was AMAZING, the sistene chapel, seeing it after studying it in books. The curator was a very stern Italian chap who's job it was to remind the 200+ people in the chapel to keep the noise down. How does he do this? By frantically going "Shhhhhhhhhhhh"...... "Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!"!! every 7 minutes and staring at people. I mean , come on, if you go to see the most famous painting in the world, like you're gonna stand there looking up in silence!! No, you're gonna go "Ooooh look, there's God and the creation of Adam and Noah and the flood and Noah getting drunk (yes, I hadn't actually heard of the latter painting before, and didn't know Noah was a drinker but there it was plain as day "The Drunkeness of Noah") and the last supper and the last judgement, and the temptations of christ. Its got more famous painters than you can shake a stick at in there, and they want you to stand under it not talking or taking loads of photos. Don't fink tho.

And i've just found out that skiing season starts in December here, and that it's a 45 minute bus trip to the best ski mountains in Italy, Wa-Hey!! Snowboarding here I come!! Yeah baby! Haven't actually got a clue how to do either skiing or snowboarding, but I'm sure I'll pick it up in no time...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

katy honey it does sound cold !! do you want me to bring you a couple more bikinis just sos you dont freeze from the outside in ??
did coq au bleu enjoy herself avec tu ?
red fox

5:21 pm  
Blogger Katy Bangkok said...

Shut UP red fox! Look, everyone knows Italy's dead warm normally, it was an easy mistake to make to bring 2 bikin's and 3 pairs of flip flops and lots of strappy tops, and ACTUALLY the strappy tops have come in dead handy as further insulation under my vest, t-shirt, shirt, jumper, gillet, jacket, and bomber coat. It's just the flips flops and said bikinis which are as useful as a chocolate fireguard.
Yes, I think i can safely say coq au vin had a whale of a time, her legs were shaking on Sunday after the amount of serious walking we did over the weekend, and climbing the steps in st peters was practically, and for all intents and purposes, rock climbing. So if physical pain was a measure of pleasure, then she had a fantastic time, and so did i!

can't wait to see ya in december

7:50 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't beleive you told the whole world I was moved to tears by seeing his holiness the Pope. I actually just had something in my eye......well both eyes and my throat, and a runny nose. Surely you didn't mistake that for crying?

2:42 pm  
Blogger Katy Bangkok said...

Oh come now Coq au Bleu, there's no shame in being jubilantly caught up in the divine throes of religious ecstacy like an evangelical holy roller from one of the southern states of the U S of A! I just can't believe you found that more moving than when I showed you Trevi fountain where Langdon almost got killed... for shame Coq Au Vin, for shame!

3:01 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well i ave got tears running down my legs reading about all these joyous moments in vatican city, truly moving !!

7:23 pm  
Blogger Katy Bangkok said...

Ooooo-kay then! I don't think they're tears luv...

9:43 am  

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