Photies from Italia
I have no idea why this is way down here.
I'm currently completely mingin from last night. Han and her housemate came over to stay and we went out to both, yes that's the TWO pubs in my village, The Black Bull and St. Patricks (typical traditional Italian places, as you can tell from the names) and I got aaaaaaaaaaabsolutely bladdered. I really do hope that none of my students saw me, that's the trouble with living in a tiny village - how bad would that be??
"Hey teacher, saw you chatting up all those men last saturday. You were hammered weren't you?? Must have been that rum you were knocking back like a sailor on shore leave"
"Er, no that wasn't me, you must have seen my sister, we look practically the same you know, she's a right'un, can't take her anywhere, likes a bit too much of the old birra, I've tried telling her. Anyway, so the second conditional, anyone know what is is??".
I got to school on the Monday after that, opened up cos I was the only one in, got ready for my lesson, and sat there. And sat there. Bearing in mind these 3 students are NEVER late I start wondering, 'Hmmmm, where are they??'. 5 minutes goes past and I'm getting impatient. 10 minutes goes past and I'm getting worried. After 20 minutes I'm bricking it, completely convinced that one of their parents saw me out on saturday night completely plastered and drinking til 5 with a group of Italian blokes and has complained to the school about the lush of an english teacher and withdrawn their kids in disgust and now i'm gonna get the sack and have to go home with my head hanging in in shame. Then I remember the clocks went back an hour, breath a sigh of relief, and vow to myself never shall I get drunk in my village again (I'll get the train to the next village and stay at Han's an get drunk). So then my students turn up an hour later, but one's late, and she comes in after 10 minutes and scares the shit out of me by going:
"Hey teacher! My brother say he out drinking with you Saturday night at Black Bull??" (with a conspiratiorial wink) so I'm like,
"Noooooooooo! What?? Me? Yeah but, no but, I totally don't think so, I don't go out me, must have been some other English female, I was in Milan on Saturday, never heard of that pub anyway, The Black what?? But no, yeah, definitely probably not me, um, have you done the homework? Well, anyway, sit down, we're on question 3".
I'm now a bit hungover from last night, went out in Rome, only meant to have 2 apperitifs but ended up staying out all night and doing shots of some strange clear liquid. Did get a bit of the old culture in the day tho, went to see the Pantheon which is just GORJUS, and has the tomb of Raphael in it, which is wierd thinking of him being inside it. I was filming it on me camera, then looked at it today, and there's only some silly cow in the background going "it's a bit rubbish innit?" to her husband. For the love of god, there's no pleasing some folks is there? It's free to get in, the dome is mildly breathtaking, there's a dead famous artist buried in there, lots of old art work, and she's calling it "a bit rubish".
Also visited an old cat city at Torre Argentina which is an ancient monument that's now been overrun by ferral cats cos the old ladies called gattare's feed them, so the whole area stinks of cats piss, nice. This is also where Julius Cesar was stabbed tho, which is quite cool.

The Collosseum.
Personally I think they should do a make-over and re-make it exactly as it was, I think man-eating lions would also improve the entertainment factor, but not bears.

Mountains and Garden.
The sublime back yard mmmmmmm....mooountaiiiiiiiins.

Can't get enough of My Mountains at the moment.

Tivoli, a gorjus village.

Nun Posing.
(This is the actual pose she wanted. She doggedly sat like this for ages as her mate took the photo: "Hmmm, Audrey, I want me looking reflective in this one, ok? Make sure you catch my inner contemplative side with the back of my head" oooh, look at Agnes, she's so deep and contemplative, contemplating the waterfall)

When in Rome...
Below are the girls we were out drinkin with on Saturday night, the second from the right was a COMPLETE Hedonist!

Say n'more.
(No I gotta say it... Look! Water nozzles coming out of her nipples!!What the....???)

Door handle from the Labyrinth's brother.

Gorjus fountain.

This was in Villa D'Este. Scared the bejesus out of me it did, it's the chick from The Ring innit?